Latest News • 07.05.2021

The CAST training method-designed to enhance the motivation and aptitudes of course participants

CAST instructors: 360-degree trainers around the real protagonist- The Student

The key factors igniting the strength and “efficacy” of the Advanced Level formation at CAST Alimenti is focused on a key concept: to offer professionals of the future a wealth of vocational skills that are gathered from the intensive experience of the seasoned faculty and their ability of conveying this know-how to the students.

Therefore, dynamic and “human-centered” teaching method led CAST Alimenti’s Advanced Level formation to be acknowledged as a unique program in Italy, in terms of its attributes, teaching quality and effectiveness of the outcome, thus establishing its educational success.

Each class doesn’t really frame itself around a strict standard, nor does it follow static layouts. The instructors are fully aware that CAST assume them to be directly and thoroughly involved when it comes to pass on “the knowledge” and know-how, engaging themselves with passion and strong empathy.

The exclusive “CAST Method” (often emulated but never equaled!) is the core of the School philosophy: once acquired by the instructors, they enhance it with their own personal touch, in an endless work in progress that allows every one of them to enrich himself with classroom experience, professionally evolve, and become more and more effective in sharing wisdom. As a matter of fact, every professional contributes with his own distinctive experiences, thus reinforcing and raising the school’s educational value.

In other words this “Method” can be described as: “The instructor teaches by explaining each action, highlighting innovation and technique involved, and sharing his expertise among the students, with a great positive, altruistic attitude. This is an authentic, 360-degree CAST Alimenti trainer.”

CAST Alimenti believes this is the most effective way to convey the educational contents, with the vision to instill a “modern professional consciousness” in the students. What does “modern” mean? Teaching the right combination between creative thinking and accuracy, between the desire to experiment and the need to be pragmatic, to allow young people to grow, not only professionally, but also humanly, thus practically prepare them for the demanding professional world. CAST Alimenti indeed embrace a pool of professionals featuring specialist skills that overcome the simple “theory”, to immerse themselves in the real market, thus ensuring an always up-to-date training method.

During the classes, the instructor displays his skills by presenting recipes and their own specific techniques, which were developed and strengthened over the years, and by making unique preparations that bear his distinguishing signature. The students, some of them already professional others mostly novice, following the lesson will have to be able to replicate the proposed recipes, using the same techniques as seen from the instructor; later, after gaining a professional awareness and with the amount of know-how acquired, they will be able to apply the techniques in the daily production, making adjustments when required.

However, it is important to underline that the proposed recipes are not meant to be “the best recipe”, instead, they carry a “didactic” purpose and are understandable and reproducible by the students who, with time and experience, will be able to turn them into “their best recipe”. Recipes are indeed the way of teaching and are crucial to make students understand the importance of ingredients and their balance. The perfection in performing a recipe or the exaltation of the personal style, are not at the top of the priorities of CAST Alimenti Advanced Level formation course; the core aim is the “development of skills” and therefore the ability of the instructor to understand if the student, at the end of each modules, has achieved its specific goals. The instructor shares information in a clear and up-to-the-point way, finding satisfaction in witnessing the student’s evolution both within the competence and his personal and human aspects, maintaining the contents quality and standard.

In this context Gabriele Bozio – Executive Manager at CAST Alimenti, underlines: “The students treasure every teaching, acquire and assimilate information continuously. They recognize the value of the Master not only for what he knows, but for the way he is able to deliver his knowledge. This is the essence of the CAST method! The students certainly need to be guided by the Maestro, who assumes the role of “director”, but they are constantly the main protagonist”.

Michela MartiniResponsible of the Didactics at CAST Alimenti, adds on a key affirmation on the “method”: “The common thread that connects the entire educational design of CAST – Advanced Level Formation and Specialization – is the concreteness, in which the student is always at the center of the school’s activity. This view involve a constant research aimed at meeting the real demands of our students professional requisite to enter the skilled market with a whole-rounded preparation, covering technical/ theoretical, manual and operational aspects. This is ensured thanks to a constant, meticulous didactic designing, which combine the proficiency of Training Dept., the R&D Executives and more than 70 instructors, trainers and consultants representing the school faculty. The regular commitment is strong and the goal is to teach students a craft or to upgrade them, with the aim to become outstanding professionals in the world of food”.